• ATIS 1000044.2011 [pre-pub]
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ATIS 1000044.2011 [pre-pub]

  • ATIS Identity Management: Requirements and Use Cases Standard
  • standard by Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions, 03/01/2011
  • Publisher: ATIS


This standard provides Identity Management (IdM) example use cases and requirements for the Next Generation Network (NGN) and its interfaces. IdM functions and capabilities are used to increase confidence in identity information and support and enhance business and security applications including identity-based services. The requirements provided in this standard are intended for NGN (i.e., managed packet networks) as defined in ATIS-1000018, NGN Architecture [ATIS 1000018] and ITU-T Recommendation Y.2001 [ITU-T Y.2001]. The objectives and requirements in this standard are based on the IdM framework provided in ATIS-1000035, NGN Identity Management Framework [ATIS-1000035] and ITU-T Recommendation Y.2720 [ITU-T Y.2720] and an analysis of use case examples relevant to NGN. The example use cases are informative and are documented in the Appendices of this standard.

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